Verbic, Francisco: An Overview of Class Actions in Argentina [PDF]
Ucín, Carlota: Tutela judicial efectiva en litigios estructurales [PDF]
Clark, Debbie: Collective Redress In Australia [PDF]
Morabito, Vince: Empirical Perspectives on 21 Years of Funded Class Actions in Australia [WEB]
Morabito, Vince: An Empirical Study of Australia’s Class Action Regimes, Fifth Report: The First Twenty-Five Years of Class Actions in Australia [WEB]
Arruda Alvim, Teresa; Queiroz dos Santos, Welder; Dantas, Bruno: Class actions in Brazil [PDF]
Piché, Catherine: Un aperçu des recours collectifs au Canada [PDF]
Kalajdzic, Jasminka: Overview of Canadian Class Action Systems [PDF]
Shaun E. Finn, Audrée Anne Barry, and Camille Rivard: Unlimited Liability? Québec Tobacco Litigation and lts Ramifications For Product Liability Class Actions [WEB]
Leggen, Jana; Kather, Nurelia: Mechanisms of Collective Redress in Germany [PDF]
Halfmeier, Axel; Hensler, Deborah R.; Kalajdzic, Jasminka; Cashman, Peter; Gómez, Manuel A.; Tzankova, Ianika: The Globalization of Mass Civil Litigation Lessons from the Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Case [URL]
Nagy, Csongor István: Le Débat Sur L’action Collective en Europe : Ils N’ont Rien Appris, Ni Rien Oublié ? [PDF]
Klement, Alon; Klonoff, Robert H.: Class Actions in the United States and Israel: A Comparative Approach [PDF]
Klement, Alon; Weinshall-Margel, Keren: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Class Actions: An Israeli Prespective [PDF]
Zuffi, Beatrice: The 2019 Italian Reform on Class Action and the Collective Injunctive Remedy [PDF]
The Netherlands
Tzankova, Ianika: Collective Actions in the Netherlands – A Step Forward? [PDF]
Halfmeier, Axel; Hensler, Deborah R.; Kalajdzic, Jasminka; Cashman, Peter; Gómez, Manuel A.; Tzankova, Ianika: The Globalization of Mass Civil Litigation Lessons from the Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Case [URL]
New Zealand
Chamberlain, Nikki; Watson, Susan: The Emergence and Reform of the New Zealand Class Action: The Second Empirical Study [WEB]
Chamberlain, Nikki: Supreme Court Orders First Opt-Out Class Action in New Zealand: Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited v Ross [WEB]
Ius Omnibus: Popular Actions (as of December 2021) [PDF]
Sousa Ferro, Miguel: Class Actions in Portugal: The little regime that could [PDF]
United States of America
LaMunyon, Scott: Class Actions: Illinois, United States [PDF]
Bengel, Kacey; Esponda, Natasha Rose: Class Actions in the U.S. [PDF]
Lee-Sanchez, Gabriel: California Class Action Law [PDF]
Klonoff, Robert H.: COVID-19 Aggregate Litigation: The Search for the Upstream Wrongdoer [PDF]
Klement, Alon; Klonoff, Robert H.: Class Actions in the United States and Israel: A Comparative Approach [PDF]
European Union
The Globalization of Mass Civil Litigation: Lessons from the Volkswagen “Clean Diesel” Case
2021/11/12 – Dieselgate: the long and winding road to consumer compensation
2022/06/24 – Strength in numbers: collective consumer actions against poor treatment by Ryanair
2022/06/27 – OCU launches Spain’s biggest ever class action for consumers ripped off by car price cartel
2022/09/07 – HP and Euroconsumers settle on Dynamic Security
2022/09/08 – Enforcement Futures: unlocking cross border consumer power? (Video)
Seven years of Dieselgate – a never ending story [WEB]