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Observatoire des Actions de Groupe

Collective redress in the Member States of the European Union

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Legal Affairs, aims to assess the current state of play of collective redress at national and European levels, evaluate the opportunity of a European intervention in the matter and provide the European Parliament with concrete recommendations. Both the assessment and the recommendations have been drafted keeping in mind the essential issue raised by collective redress: access to justice. This principle, which is essential in a Union enforcing the rule of law, is currently challenged by the existing divergences. As such the creation of harmonised collective redress mechanism is becoming an increasingly pressing matter.

Download it here.

Étude remise au Parlement européen par Trans Europe experts

La fondatrice de l’Observatoire des Actions de Groupe et autres Actions Collectives, Maria José AZAR-BAUD, s’est rendue au Parlement européen avec Fabienne JAULT-SESEKE, le 10 octobre dernier, avec une équipe de Trans Europe Experts, afin de présenter l’étude « Collective redress in the Member States of the European Union ».


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